Grief and Loss

Ask these 8 questions instead to get a genuine response

As survivors we are often asked questions about our loss that we might deem hurtful, or thoughtless. If we are to be honest, before our loss we may not have… Continue reading Ask these 8 questions instead to get a genuine response

Grief and Loss, Suicide Loss Survivors

“Pain is Inevitable – Suffering is Optional.”

Pain and suffering are not the same things. This graphic shows how emotional pain (not physical pain) is a natural response to an emotionally disturbing event. Suffering is our response to the event with negative self-talk and actions intended to avoid or numb the pain we feel. We can keep filling that suffering portion of the graphic up with unhealthy coping mechanisms and negative self-talk, but none of them ever address the actual feelings that have caused our pain. In fact, negative self-talk may be another way we avoid feeling the actual pain.